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Re: Garmin - Nuevas versiones CN e Mapsource

Publicado: 28 Ene 2010 18:02
por Filohipo
En algunos foros se habla de una inconpatibilidad España - Portugal.
Me explico:
La loseta Badajoz es incompatible con (cada una de per si) las losetas Setubal e Covilhã (Portugal). Si intentas enviar al GPS toda la peninsula (PT+ES) o toda Europa se cierra Mapsource antes de enviar los datos al GPS. Se cierra Mapinstal tambien.
Hay que enviar sin Badajoz o con Badajoz sin Setubal e Covilhã. Es asi ?
Intenta solo enviar Badajoz e Setubal o Badajoz e Covilhã al GPS e cuenta-nos lo que pasa.

Re: Garmin - Nuevas versiones CN e Mapsource

Publicado: 02 Feb 2010 20:43
por garminete
Cierto con la versión nueva, el programa explota, si quitas esos archivos va bien.

He probado con un Mac y con MapInstall y funciona perfectamente enviar Europa completo, Iberia también. Puede que el nuevo Mapsource se bloquee con este archivo por alguna causa.

También hay version de Mapinstall para pc, pero no lo he probado.

Re: Garmin - Nuevas versiones CN e Mapsource

Publicado: 02 Feb 2010 22:55
por Filohipo
Garmin inicio la distribuicion del City Navigator Europa 2010.30 Version B

Re: Garmin - Nuevas versiones CN e Mapsource

Publicado: 02 Feb 2010 23:12
por dasorsan
Para arreglar una autopista del norte de Italia...?No suelo ir mucho por alli, jajaja :lol:

Tambien ha salido Mapsource 6.15.11:

http://www8.garmin.com/support/download ... jsp?id=209

Change History
Changes made from version 6.15.7 to 6.15.11:

* Improved performance for custom draw elements.
* Made sure waypoints of type 'Geotagged Photo' don't crash MapSource.
* Allowed the import and export of unlock codes.
* Made sure unlocking changes get propagated without needing to restart the
* Phone numbers that were imported from gpx files were not written back out
again. This is now fixed.
* Added support for enhanced map security.
* Fixed unlocking issue.
* Implemented Asian 6-level address search.
* Improved trimming performance for some Asian map products.

Re: Garmin - Nuevas versiones CN e Mapsource

Publicado: 10 Feb 2010 03:09
por Filohipo
Garmin ha empezado a distribuir la tercera actualizacion del CN Europe 2010.30
Le llama de version c o version 2010.31 en la instalacion

Re: Garmin - Nuevas versiones CN e Mapsource

Publicado: 05 Mar 2010 03:00
por Filohipo
Updates & Downloads

MapSource software version Beta
as of March 3, 2010

◦WARNING: This software will not work unless you already own a MapSource product.
◦MapSource requires Windows XP Service Pack 3 or later operating system.
◦This Beta is a separate program that will need to be un-installed after expiration.
◦Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.

Change History
Changes made from version 6.15.11 to
◦Fixed memory issues and crashes when running MapSource under Windows 7.
◦Map projection for many map products was improved. The projection angle is now based on the extents of the map product.
◦Fixed issues with reading and writing large GPX files.
◦Improved rendering performance.
◦Added support for 64-bit USB device drivers.
◦MapSource will now zoom in and out when the mouse wheel is used.
◦Added generic label descriptions (less 'unknown' features).
◦Fixed various categories and subcategories that affected find operations and the display of POI categories and subcategories.
◦Relevant data can now be imported from TCX files.
◦Added very small and very large symbol size selection.
◦Made sure to remember search category in 'Find Nearest' dialog.
◦Fixed issues with file dialog (in some cases, existing files were overwritten without prompting).
◦Changed route via point symbol to small black dot. Symbol can be changed via registry.
◦Fixed some issues with the Swedish grid.
◦Added New Zealand TM grid.
◦Fixed issue with address search when a city name was supplied.
◦The total length of all selected tracks/routes will now be displayed in the status bar.
◦Fixed loss of mixed-case characters when transferring routes to USB devices.
◦Routes, tracks and waypoints are now sorted numerically.
◦Fixed an issue with the refreshing of the route avoidances dialog.
◦Fixed issue with finding elevation features.
◦Fixed an issue where the comment field would be mangled up after creating a waypoint from a find result.

◦Maps that are locked because of a missing signature file will be displayed as 'unauthenticated' in the Map Product Manager.

◦After a crash, the user now has the option to send an error report directly to Garmin.

http://www8.garmin.com/support/download ... sp?id=4879

Re: Garmin - Nuevas versiones CN e Mapsource

Publicado: 05 Mar 2010 11:28
por Filohipo
Una consulta aqui es obligatoria para los XXXXXX de las proyecciones e sus problemas:
https://forums.garmin.com/showpost.php? ... ostcount=2

Re: Garmin Nuevas versiones CN e Mapsource 6.16.2 Beta (edit

Publicado: 26 Mar 2010 12:31
por Filohipo
MapSource software version Beta
as of March 24, 2010

http://www8.garmin.com/support/download ... sp?id=4879

Changes made from version to
* Fixed an issue where MapSource would crash when changing the detail level after opening the settings dialog.
* Fixed various crashes related to the map tool.
* Fixed an issue where GPX files written by MapSource were not valid.
* Waypoints, routes and tracks will again be sorted correctly.
* Improved projection for Canadian map products.
* Fixed an issue where routes would not be displayed continuously.
* Fixed an issue with using the ENTER key in the 6-level address search (for Asian map products).
* Fixed an issue where MapSource would crash when viewing bridge properties.
* The unlock code list can now be sorted.
* POI address and phone number information is now displayed by MapSource and can be edited.


A few remarks about the projection issue: our ultimate goal is to fix the projection for all regions (just like 6.13.7). We are not quite there yet, so we use band-aids trying to fix the projection for the majority of our users.
For small map products we now (as of use the center of the map as a reference point. So there will be no distortion at the center. The further North or South from the center you go the worse the distortion will get. This works fairly well for most of our products.

For larger products this is not ideal. For Canada especially this did not work so we put in a special fix that should make Canada-only maps less distorted where it matters (in the South).

We still allow users to change the projection angle in the registry. We decided not to openly provide a user interface for this, but made it a bit easier to change the angle without having to meddle directly in the registry. You now can hit Ctrl-Alt-A in MapSource to set the projection angle for the current map product. You will need to restart MapSource for this to have any effect.

Changes to the projection angle that you made in will not be used (the registry location for the angle has changed). You will have to set the angle again. This was done so that the projection angle adjustment can be shared amongst Garmin applications (BaseCamp 3.0.x & MapSource 6.16.x will now both use the angle you set).