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Basecamp 3.0.1

Publicado: 03 Abr 2010 20:15
por dasorsan
Para Windows: http://www8.garmin.com/support/download ... sp?id=4435

Para Mac: http://www8.garmin.com/support/download ... sp?id=4450

De momento sólo en inglés

Edito: admin, si eso mueve el hilo a Programas para GPS que lo he puesto en el sitio equivocado

Re: Basecamp 3.0.1

Publicado: 03 Abr 2010 20:50
por YoMismo
¡Que ahora con el Basecamp se pueden ver mapas Garmin IMG sin DEM, mapas Garmin IMG con DEM, mapas ráster KML/KMZ y mapas ráster BirdsEye (*.JNX)...!

Re: Basecamp 3.0.1

Publicado: 03 Abr 2010 22:13
por dasorsan
Joer, si es que no lo habia leído TODO.

Como mola!!!

Lo de los custom maps, cómo ira? Será capaz de leer un jpg calibrado y convertirloo a KMZ apto para Garmin o sólo será capaz de leer un kmz no apto y transformarlo en apto?

Y lo de la SD card, a qué se refiere?

WINDOWS Changes made from version 2.0.9 to 3.0.1:
Added download, display, and transfer of BirdsEye satellite imagery to supported devices.
Added download, display and transfer of Garmin Custom Maps to supported devices.
Added the ability to use BaseCamp with the pre-installed maps on a connected device or pre-programmed SD card.
Added poster printing.
Added printing of USGS Quads and other public land survey areas.
Added tools for auto-routes.
The full information set for Geocaches is now correctly transferred to the device.
Improved handling of back-up database.
Improved the drawing speed of certain European maps.
Improved the reading speed and display of Geotagged photos.
Improved stability while running on Windows 7.
Numerous refinements and problem fixes.

MAC Change History Changes made from version 2.0.1 to 3.0.1:

Added download, display, and transfer of BirdsEye satellite imagery. This requires that you have a supported Garmin GPS. See here for more information.
Added download, display and transfer Garmin Custom Maps to supported devices.
Added the ability to use pre-installed maps on a connected device or pre-programmed SD card.
Added ability for BaseCamp to display any Garmin map. Maps do not need to have Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data to be displayed in BaseCamp now.
Added support for the data sync capability in the Oregon 450 and 550 and Dakota 10 and 20.
Added ability to drag and drop user data to and from connected devices.
Added ability to edit multiple waypoints.
Fixed issue with garbage characters that were displayed in pop‐up labels in Snow Leopard (10.6).
Added printing of USGS Quads and other public land survey areas.
Added ability to reset preferences to factory defaults.
The full information for geocaches is now visible when transferred to devices that have enhanced support for geocaching, including hints, terrain, difficulty and logs.
Improved handling of back-up database.
Improved the drawing speed of certain European maps.
Improved the reading speed and display of Geotagged photos.
Adjust map drawing colors to better distinguish between major highways and interstates.
Added support for touchpad multi-touch gestures.
Added to print on several pages.
Fixed issue where information about found POI or address was not displayed correctly in Snow Leopard.
Fixed an issue where selecting a waypoint symbol in the Waypoint Dialog could cause a crash.
Numerous refinements and problem fixes.
Added numerous other refinements and problem fixes.

Re: Basecamp 3.0.1

Publicado: 03 Abr 2010 22:56
por dasorsan
La descarga no es un fichero .exe, me sale un fichero .dmg

Os pasa esto también? de que va ésto?

Re: Basecamp 3.0.1

Publicado: 04 Abr 2010 06:46
por YoMismo
Has publicado el enlace a la versión para Mac y no para Windows... :lol:

Re: Basecamp 3.0.1

Publicado: 07 Abr 2010 00:30
por dasorsan
No sé que hago mal, pero después de instalarlo aparentemente sin problemas no funciona, hace el amago de abrirse pero no se abre, parece como si faltasen unos cuantos archivos dentro de la carpeta de instalación...

A nadie más le pasa?

Re: Basecamp 3.0.1

Publicado: 07 Abr 2010 11:06
por romanb
dasorsan escribió:No sé que hago mal, pero después de instalarlo aparentemente sin problemas no funciona, hace el amago de abrirse pero no se abre, parece como si faltasen unos cuantos archivos dentro de la carpeta de instalación...

A nadie más le pasa?

A mi en uno de los PCs no me rula, da error y no abre. :evil:

Re: Basecamp 3.0.2

Publicado: 15 Abr 2010 11:31
por Filohipo
Nueva version disponible

Basecamp 3.02 released
as of April 13, 2010

This version is ENGLISH only. A translated version will be released shortly.
Windows XP Service Pack 3 or later is required.
◦.NET framework 3.5 is required. A current version of .NET will be installed if needed.
1 GB of system memory is required.
◦A video card that supports OpenGL version 1.3 or later is needed to enable the 3D view.
◦If you experience problems when interacting with the map views, please make sure that you have installed current video card drivers.
◦BaseCamp will recognize all MapSource products except BlueChart.
BaseCamp does not work with serial GPS devices.

Changes made from version 3.0.1 to 3.0.2:
* Eliminated error messages at startup with blank SD cards.
* Fixed several printing related issues.
* Fixed issue when hovering over the 3D view after turning off lines or areas.
* Fixed issue when importing a KML file that didn't contain any visible ground overlays.
* Fixed issue with track and route join.
* Fixed issue with track and route insert.
* Fixed issue with geotagged photos on devices not being read.


Re: Basecamp 3.0.1

Publicado: 26 Jul 2011 14:42
por ertdfs

Me he descargado la última versión de TopoHispania sin DEM y también mapsource y basecamp y por más que miro no consigo que se cargue el mapa en ninguna de las 2 aplicaciones. ¿Cómo puedo hacer?.


Un saludo.

Re: Basecamp 3.0.1

Publicado: 26 Jul 2011 14:44
por angelov
pon esta pregnta en el hilo del Topohispania y los autores te contestarán

Re: Basecamp 3.0.1

Publicado: 26 Jul 2011 15:29
por ertdfs
angelov escribió:pon esta pregnta en el hilo del Topohispania y los autores te contestarán
Un saludo.

Basecamp 3.2.2

Publicado: 12 Ago 2011 01:15
por Filohipo
Nueva version disponible


Changes from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2

* Fixed receiving from Oregons getting stuck for some geocache users.

* Fixed startup crashes some users were experiencing.

* Fixed possible track corruption when duplicating and then editing

* Fixed loss of photo waypoint thumbnails, added automatic thumbnail
recovery when first starting 3.2.2.

* Fixed adding/removing via points to a route setting its activity
to the current app setting.

* Fixed the creation of routes from tracks potentially creating too
many via points.

* Fixed a possible crash when sending routes to the Edge 800.

* Fixed the error dialog for 3D rendering issues coming up multiple
times in a row.

* Fixed a bug that would mistakenly open some waypoint photo links
as web links.

* Fixed a possible crash when attempting to show a route on the map.

* Fixed Topo Great Britain's display when rotated in 2D.

* Fixed a possible route profile crash for routes with the same
directories on the device.

* Fixed other miscellaneous bugs.