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BaseCamp - version 4.4.6

Aquí se mantienen las principales discusiones y preguntas de este foro. Representa un nivel más avanzado que el Foro para usuarios nóveles

Moderador: Sebasbcn

Mensajes: 593
Registrado: 27 Ago 2006 00:51
Modelo GPS: Garmin Oregon 600

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.0.1 para PC e Mac (ya en castellano

Mensaje por omortsoN »

AntonioGPS escribió:Creo que sería una buena idea que no usáramos estos sitios de descargas en las que hay muchas posibilidades de que alguien termine dando el teléfono móvil y te sangren tu cuenta bancaria. Hay servicios gratuitos como Dropbox, Minus, Box y demás, que no dejan posibilidad de que eso ocurra

¿Qué os parece?
No entiendo. Los enlaces que hay en el primer post de este hilo apuntan a la pagina de Garmin.

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Re: BaseCamp - version 4.0.1 para PC e Mac (ya en castellano

Mensaje por AntonioGPS »

Hablo de la versión parcheada que ha indicado Filohipo al que se accede si le das con el ratón al punto final de su mensaje
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Registrado: 17 Ene 2008 23:39
Modelo GPS: Oregon 600
Ubicación: Pamplona/Iruña

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.0.1 para PC e Mac (ya en castellano

Mensaje por angelov »

Tiene una cosa buena que me empieza a gustar. Tiene una carpeta nueva de Datos no inlcuidos donde acumula todos los tracks y wpts que no están en ninguna lista, de modo que puedes vaciarla a la vez, manteniendo los tracks que quieras siempre que esten en su carpeta (lista) correspondiente
Mensajes: 593
Registrado: 27 Ago 2006 00:51
Modelo GPS: Garmin Oregon 600

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.0.1 para PC e Mac (ya en castellano

Mensaje por omortsoN »

AntonioGPS escribió:Hablo de la versión parcheada que ha indicado Filohipo al que se accede si le das con el ratón al punto final de su mensaje
¡¡Upss!! no me habia dado cuenta de ese enlace :oops: :oops:

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Registrado: 01 Ene 2006 04:15
Modelo GPS: Oreg 600,76CSx,I3,1300
Ubicación: Lisboa - Portugal

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.0.2 para PC

Mensaje por Filohipo »

Aviso de Garmin:
No actualizar a BaseCamp 4.02

Changes made from version 4.0.1 to 4.0.2:

* Added smoothing of speed and heart rate graphs.
* Improved Track Join inside of an Adventure
* Change to not show the "Filter Results" option in the find results if
there are no results to filter.
* Fixed layout not being remembered properly between application runs.
* Fixed layout being different after exiting from Adventure playback.
* Fixed an issue with the "References" tab page not being properly updated
when changing selection.
* Fixed an issue with route shaping point info being lost when erasing points
from a route.
* Fixed an issue with track color being changed when tracks are filtered.
* Fixed an issue with not updating the summary in the route dialog when
points are unselected.
* Fixed some issues with login and re-login for MyGarmin services
* Fixed doing an undo while drawing a route ending the route. Now only the
last via point is removed.
* Fixed an issue when importing photos with invalid time EXIF data.
* Fixed text messages from Basestation devices being repeatedly notified
* Fixed an issue with route join
* Fixed an issue with the route divide tool
* Fixed an issue with duplicating routes
* Fixed an issue with adding waypoints into routes in an Adventure
* Fixed an issue with line breaks being repeatedly added to GPX files
* Fixed an issue with click & drag on the map hiding properties dialog
* Fixed an issue with importing KML or KMZ files that had downloadable
* Fixed an issue with creating a waypoint via the map context menu when a
list folder is selected
* Fixed an issue where the waypoint ordering was not updated when changing
the main track in an Adventure
* Fixed an issue when clicking on the 'X' to remove a tag from the References
tab page.
* Fixed an issue when changing map detail level before putting focus into
the map views.
* Fixed an issue where the creation date of a photo waypoint didn't match the
creation date of the photo's EXIF data
* Fixed an issue with waypoints sometimes not being shown on the map
* Fixed an issue with some card products not being recognized. Unfortunately
this requires re-indexing all card products.
* Fixed various other customer reported issues

You can download it directly at
Última edición por Filohipo el 28 Sep 2012 00:47, editado 1 vez en total.
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Mensajes: 1072
Registrado: 01 Ene 2006 04:15
Modelo GPS: Oreg 600,76CSx,I3,1300
Ubicación: Lisboa - Portugal

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.0.2

Mensaje por Filohipo »

Aviso de Garmin:
No actualizar a BaseCamp 4.02

Default BaseCamp 4.0.2 delayed DO NOT UPDATE

There is an issue with the 4.0.2 installer. Please do not update at this time! ... NOT-UPDATE
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Mensajes: 9482
Registrado: 17 Ene 2008 23:39
Modelo GPS: Oregon 600
Ubicación: Pamplona/Iruña

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.0.2 - SUSPENDIDA

Mensaje por angelov »

huele a chapuza chapuza. Menos mal que es una multinacional...
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Registrado: 01 Ene 2006 04:15
Modelo GPS: Oreg 600,76CSx,I3,1300
Ubicación: Lisboa - Portugal

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.0.2 - de nuevo en distribuicion

Mensaje por Filohipo »

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Registrado: 01 Ene 2006 04:15
Modelo GPS: Oreg 600,76CSx,I3,1300
Ubicación: Lisboa - Portugal

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.0.4 - en distribuicion

Mensaje por Filohipo »

Changes made from version 4.0.2 to 4.0.4:

* Fixed some issues with publishing adventures.
* Fixed an issue with remembering the layout of the data and map panels.
* Fixed an issue with remembering the positioning of the toolbars.
* Fixed some layout issues in Windows XP.
* Fixed ordering of photos during adventure playback.
* Fixed various stability issues with route properties.
* Fixed issues with the route and track join.
* Fixed some device and adventure transfer issues.
* Fixed issue with gdb and kml import.
* Fixed issues with adventure playback.
* Fixed an issue with exporting waypoints with dog icons.
* Fixed an issue where orphaned route via point would remain on the map
in certain cases.
* Fixed an issue where geotagged photos were not being cleaned up after
* Fixed an issue with the notes tab where links where not being stored
* Fixed various other stability issues.
* Improved speed for displaying the properties of an adventure for the
firstChanges made from version 4.0.1 to 4.0.2: ... sp?id=4435
Última edición por Filohipo el 26 Ene 2013 14:13, editado 2 veces en total.
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Mensajes: 9482
Registrado: 17 Ene 2008 23:39
Modelo GPS: Oregon 600
Ubicación: Pamplona/Iruña

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.0.4 - en distribuicion

Mensaje por angelov »

Usandolo sin problemas. Cada vez me gusta más...
Misma versión mac todavía no disponible (suele salir a los días)
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Registrado: 20 Sep 2011 21:05
Modelo GPS: eMap, eTrex 20

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.0.4 - en distribuicion

Mensaje por jordicor »

Pues hay un detalle que a mi no me gusta nada en las ultimas versiones.
En las primeras versiones, con el puntero en forma de flecha, podia seleccionar una parte de un track y se resaltaba solo esta parte del track, luego en las Propiedades del track me daba todos los datos de este trocito de track y la grafica del perfil tambien era del trocito seleccionado.
En cambio ahora si selecciono una parte de un track queda seleccionado TODO el track y no se me selecciona solo un trocito, con lo que no puedo ver las propiedades ni perfil de una parte del track.
No se si hay alguna manera para seleccionar solo una parte de un track y ver sus propiedades y perfil.
O lo hago mal ?
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Registrado: 01 Ene 2006 04:15
Modelo GPS: Oreg 600,76CSx,I3,1300
Ubicación: Lisboa - Portugal

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.0.5 - en distribuicion

Mensaje por Filohipo »

Changes made from version 4.0.4 to 4.0.5:

* Fixed issue when changing list or folder selection with nearest
results shown on the map.

* Fixed issue when changing list or folder selection while in the
process of drawing a route.

* Fixed issue with find toolbar visibility not being remembered
between application runs.

52.48MB download ... sp?id=4435
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Registrado: 01 Ene 2006 04:15
Modelo GPS: Oreg 600,76CSx,I3,1300
Ubicación: Lisboa - Portugal

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.1.0 - en distribuicion

Mensaje por Filohipo » ... -available

Change List
Added support for Garmin Cloud Storage.
Added support for searching and displaying Custom POIs from devices (GPI file support).
Added ability to report map errors directly from within BaseCamp.
Added support for new statistics track extension, this should allow BaseCamp and future devices to have the same track statistics.
Added better error messages for adventure publishing failures.
Implemented Part I of Find experience rework (simultaneous searches, less confusing input boxes, added Find menu, added support for user data search).
Improved behavior when editing or deleting route and track points in a list, BaseCamp now remembers the position in the list.
Improved decimal precision for low speeds.
Improved 'Send To Device' and 'Receive From Device' dialogs.
Fixed an issue where BaseCamp would erroneously prompt for Geotagged photos on Garmin-mode devices.
Fixed an issue where the folder data list size wasn't preserved.
Fixed an issue with importing KML files from Google Earth.
Fixed an issue where the original routes were not restored after cancelling during the calculation phase of a route join.
Fixed an issue where single digit entry into Arrival/Departure times may not get committed to database.
Fixed an issue with displaying waypoint comments that take more than 1 row.
Fixed an issue with missing/corrupt system services. BaseCamp now prompts the user.
Fixed an issue with sending dog icons to older Garmin devices.
Fixed an issue with resetting the activity profile.
Fixed an issue where BaseCamp sometimes would not sync with devices.
Fixed an issue with restore.
Fixed some issues with Undo and Redo.
Fixed shutdown issues.
Fixed an issue in Danish when viewing route properties.
Fixed issue where BaseCamp would not display 'TOPO Sweden V3 - Svealand'.

Report Map Errors

Now you can just right-click on the map and report a mapping error directly to Garmin.


The form will be prefilled with the map product and the location. Reporting map errors does make a difference and our cartography team is very eager to receive them. So report away!
Última edición por Filohipo el 26 Ene 2013 14:14, editado 1 vez en total.
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Mensajes: 9482
Registrado: 17 Ene 2008 23:39
Modelo GPS: Oregon 600
Ubicación: Pamplona/Iruña

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.1.0 - en distribuicion

Mensaje por angelov »

Lo de la nube tiene muy buena pinta. Yo uso algo similar en compegps que es el enlace a dropbox y va bien, tengo mis excursiones en la nube y las preparo y retoco en cualquier sitio, siempre disponibles incluso en el movil
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Mensajes: 1072
Registrado: 01 Ene 2006 04:15
Modelo GPS: Oreg 600,76CSx,I3,1300
Ubicación: Lisboa - Portugal

Re: BaseCamp - version 4.1.1 - en distribuicion

Mensaje por Filohipo » ... sp?id=4435

53.34MB download

Changes made from version 4.1.0 to 4.1.1:

* Fixed an issue where BaseCamp was not responding if a certain GPI file (006D135900.GPI) was present on the device.

* Fixed an issue where BaseCamp did not seem to recognize some MTP devices (it was taking several minutes for BaseCamp to display the device). Device detection of such devices should now be much faster.

* Fixed an issue with Garmin cloud where syncing between Mac and PC would not work properly.

* Fixed an issue with 'Restore from Previous Version'.

* Fixed an issue where using the city finder (in the Find Options 'Location' textbox) would lead to a crash if the map did not support city searches.

* Fixed an issue with city search on the Global Map.

* Fixed an issue with user data search.

* Fixed a start-up issue.